This is Princess
Look at this pretty girl, what a cutie! This isPrincess, a 6 yr. old brown Tabby, declawedand current on all vaccinations. Her ownerpassed away, and Princess is currently in afoster home. Since she is declawed she doesneed to be an indoor kitty. Princess likes headscratches and likes to lay in your lap, but doesnot like to be picked up. She only eats cannedfood and she loves her evening catnip. We feelPrincess needs to be an only pet; she had avery sheltered life and was not around a lot ofnoises or strangers. She would be a greatcompanion for a couple or single adult.
If you’d like to give this precious girl a lovinghome, please call Angie at 406-860-8735 andset up a time to meet Princess. She’s waitingfor YOU!!